Application to support workforce analytics
Organizational models constructed around process event data can be applied to profile human resource group behavior from multiple aspects relevant to workforce performance.
Empower HR Decisions with Workforce Analytics

Workforce Analytics × Process Mining: A Perfect Match
✅ Business process execution data — readily available in many enterprise information systems — is a promising source for workforce analytics
✅ We develop process mining methods that systematically exploit process data and support organizations to better understand their employees and continually improve HR decisions alongside core business processes

- A recent outcome of our ongoing research enables using common process data to analyze employee groups (departments, teams, etc.) from various aspects
- We apply interactive visualization techniques to allow analyses on multiple dimensions and across different levels

The following demo is based on a case study conducted using data from five municipalities working with a building permit handling process (data source: BPI Challenge 2015).
Compare across groups and time periods

Understand groups from multiple dimensions

Their focuses on different process tasks seem to align (left), but municipality #1 have its own working hours arrangements on Wednesdays (right)
Explore and highlight patterns at different levels

Plug-in tailored measures to cater for different analyses

Productivity of the five municipalities is again analyzed, but measured by average case throughput time