master student, process mining, conformance checking, data science

Yilin (Alec) Lyu 吕怡霖

master student, process mining, conformance checking, data science

I am currently a Master’s student in Software Engineering at the University of Melbourne (Unimelb), Australia. I’m interested in process-aware data science, computer modelling and machine learning. As a software engineering master, I’m also involved in building open-source well-documented software. Throughout the project, I excelled as team leader, overseeing workflow coordination, facilitating communication, and actively participating in all phases of development.

I am currently working as a Research Assistant at Texas Tech University, focusing on integrating generative AI, logic, and processes in education to enhance teaching quality and learning outcome. My current research interests center on the combination of GenAI, logic, and process mining in education.

Next semester, I will collaborate with Dr. Abel Armas Cervantes on a research project titled “Looking at LMS through a Process Lens,” which explores the application of process mining in education.


  • MSc (2023-Now), Software Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia
    Thesis title: “Enhancing Approximate Conformance Checking Accuracy with Hierarchical Clustering Model Behaviour Sampling”, advised by Artem Polyvyanyy.
    • An e-copy of my thesis can be download via [this link]
  • BSc (2017-2021), Computer Science and Technology, Zhengzhou University, China Thesis title: “Research on Cell Virtual Staining Method Based on U-GAT-IT” (In Chinese), advised by Ruijie Zhu.
    • Selected as an Outstanding Graduate Thesis.
    • An e-copy of my thesis can be download via [this link]

Honors and Awards

  • Melbourne Global Scholars Award (MGSA) for 2024, University of Melbourne
  • First-Class Scholarship for Outstanding Students for 2021, Zhengzhou University
  • All-Rounder Outstanding Award for 2020, Zhengzhou University

What's new

  • My paper titled “A Discussion of Migration of Common Neural Network Regularization Methods on SNNs” has been published [access link].
  • My paper titled “A Mamba-based approximate conformance checking method” has been published by the 2024 4th AANN International Conference[access link]!
  • It is a great honor to be awarded a potential PhD position of US $50,000 annual scholarship plus free tuition by Dr. Zhang Yuanlin at TTU!